Numeric data types

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.


YSQL support integers, floating-point numbers, and fixed-point numbers of different value ranges and precisions.

Data type Description Min Max
BIGINT 8 bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
DEC user-specified precision, exact <131072 digits.16383 digits> <131072 digits.16383 digits>
DECIMAL user-specified precision, exact <131072 digits.16383 digits> <131072 digits.16383 digits>
DOUBLE PRECISION Inexact 64-bit floating point number 15-digit precision 15-digit precision
FLOAT Inexact 64-bit floating point number variable variable
INTEGER 4-byte integer -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
INT 4-byte integer -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
NUMERIC user-specified precision, exact <131072 digits.16383 digits> <131072 digits.16383 digits>
REAL Inexact 32-bit floating point number 6-digit precision 6-digit precision
SMALLINT 2-byte integer -32,768 32,767


The following keywords are used to specify a column of type integer for different constraints, including its value ranges.

type_specification ::= SMALLINT | INT | INTEGER | BIGINT
integer_literal ::= [ + | - ] digit [ { digit | , } ... ]
  • Columns of type SMALLINT, INT, INTEGER, or BIGINT can be part of the PRIMARY KEY.
  • Values of different integer data types are comparable and convertible to one another.
  • Values of integer data types are convertible but not comparable to floating point number.
  • Currently, values of floating point data types are not convertible to integers. This restriction will be removed in the near future.

Floating-point numbers

The following keywords are used to specify a column of floating-point types for different constraints including its value ranges.

type_specification ::= { FLOAT | DOUBLE PRECISION | REAL }
floating_point_literal ::= non_integer_fixed_point_literal | "NaN" | "Infinity" | "-Infinity"
  • Columns of type REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT can be part of the PRIMARY KEY.
  • Values of different floating-point and fixed-point data types are comparable and convertible to one another.
  • Conversion from floating-point types into DECIMAL will raise an error for the special values NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity.
  • The ordering for special floating-point values is defined as (in ascending order): -Infinity, all negative values in order, all positive values in order, Infinity, and NaN.
  • Values of non-integer numeric data types are neither comparable nor convertible to integer although integers are convertible to them. This restriction will be removed.

Fixed-point numbers

The following keywords are used to specify a column of exact user-specified precision types for different constraints including its value ranges.

type_specification ::= { DEC | DECIMAL | NUMERIC }
fixed_point_literal ::= [ + | - ] { digit [ digit ...] '.' [ digit ...] | '.' digit [ digit ...] }
  • Columns of type DEC, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC can be part of the PRIMARY KEY.
  • Values of different floating-point and fixed-point data types are comparable and convertible to one another.
  • Values of non-integer numeric data types are neither comparable nor convertible to integer although integers are convertible to them. This restriction will be removed.