Create the procedure xform_to_covidcast_fb_survey_results()

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Save this script as "cr-xform-to-covidcast-fb-survey-results.sql"

drop procedure if exists xform_to_covidcast_fb_survey_results() cascade;

create procedure xform_to_covidcast_fb_survey_results()
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  -- Check that the staging tables have the expected names for their roles.
  -- Each subquery assignemnt will fail if doesn't return exactly one row.
  mask_wearers_name    text not null := (select staging_table from covidcast_names where staging_table = 'mask_wearers');
  symptoms_name        text not null := (select staging_table from covidcast_names where staging_table = 'symptoms');
  cmnty_symptoms_name  text not null := (select staging_table from covidcast_names where staging_table = 'cmnty_symptoms');

  stmt text not null := '
    insert into covidcast_fb_survey_results(
      survey_date, state,
      mask_wearing_pct,    mask_wearing_stderr,    mask_wearing_sample_size,
      symptoms_pct,        symptoms_stderr,        symptoms_sample_size,
      cmnty_symptoms_pct,  cmnty_symptoms_stderr,  cmnty_symptoms_sample_size)
      time_value, geo_value,
      m.value, m.stderr, round(m.sample_size),
      s.value, s.stderr, round(s.sample_size),
      c.value, c.stderr, round(c.sample_size)
      ?1 as m
      inner join ?2 as s using (time_value, geo_value)
      inner join ?3 as c using (time_value, geo_value)';

  drop table if exists covidcast_fb_survey_results cascade;

  create table covidcast_fb_survey_results(
    survey_date                 date     not null,
    state                       text     not null,
    mask_wearing_pct            numeric  not null,
    mask_wearing_stderr         numeric  not null,
    mask_wearing_sample_size    int      not null,
    symptoms_pct                numeric  not null,
    symptoms_stderr             numeric  not null,
    symptoms_sample_size        int      not null,
    cmnty_symptoms_pct          numeric  not null,
    cmnty_symptoms_stderr       numeric  not null,
    cmnty_symptoms_sample_size  int      not null,

    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_pk primary key (state, survey_date),

    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_mask_wearing_pct    check(mask_wearing_pct   between 0 and 100),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_symptoms_pct        check(symptoms_pct       between 0 and 100),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_cmnty_symptoms_pct  check(cmnty_symptoms_pct between 0 and 100),

    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_mask_wearing_stderr    check(mask_wearing_stderr   > 0),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_symptoms_stderr        check(symptoms_stderr       > 0),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_cmnty_symptoms_stderr  check(cmnty_symptoms_stderr > 0),

    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_mask_wearing_sample_size    check(mask_wearing_sample_size   > 0),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_symptoms_sample_size        check(symptoms_sample_size       > 0),
    constraint covidcast_fb_survey_results_chk_cmnty_symptoms_sample_size  check(cmnty_symptoms_sample_size > 0)

  execute replace(replace(replace(stmt,
    '?1', mask_wearers_name),
    '?2', symptoms_name),
    '?3', cmnty_symptoms_name);