This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.
Save this script as "ingest-the-data.sql"
-- Set up the infrastructure and create the tables.
drop table if exists covidcast_names cascade;
create table covidcast_names(csv_file text primary key, staging_table text not null, signal text not null);
-- Each of these files contains 50 days of observations.
insert into covidcast_names(csv_file, staging_table, signal) values
('csv-files/covidcast-fb-survey-smoothed_'|| 'wearing_mask' ||'-2020-09-13-to-2020-11-01.csv', 'mask_wearers', 'smoothed_wearing_mask'),
('csv-files/covidcast-fb-survey-smoothed_'|| 'cli' ||'-2020-09-13-to-2020-11-01.csv', 'symptoms', 'smoothed_cli'),
('csv-files/covidcast-fb-survey-smoothed_'|| 'hh_cmnty_cli' ||'-2020-09-13-to-2020-11-01.csv', 'cmnty_symptoms', 'smoothed_hh_cmnty_cli');
create unique index covidcast_names_staging_table_unq on covidcast_names(staging_table);
create unique index covidcast_names_signal_unq on covidcast_names(signal);
\i cr-cr-staging-tables.sql
\i cr-cr-copy-from-csv-scripts.sql
call cr_staging_tables();
-- Import the CSV files into the staging tables;
\t on
\o copy_from_csv.sql
select cr_copy_from_scripts(1);
\i copy_from_csv.sql
\o copy_from_csv.sql
select cr_copy_from_scripts(2);
\i copy_from_csv.sql
\o copy_from_csv.sql
select cr_copy_from_scripts(3);
\i copy_from_csv.sql
\t off
-- Check that the imported data are consistent with what was assumed about its
-- format and content. If the checks pass, then merge it into the single
-- "covidcast_fb_survey_results" table.
\i cr-assert-assumptions-ok.sql
\i cr-xform-to-covidcast-fb-survey-results.sql
do $body$
-- If "assert_assumptions_ok()" aborts with an assert failure,
-- then "cr_covidcast_fb_survey_results()" will not be called.
call assert_assumptions_ok(
start_survey_date => to_date('2020-09-13', 'yyyy-mm-dd'),
end_survey_date => to_date('2020-11-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));
call xform_to_covidcast_fb_survey_results();