Finding the paths in a directed acyclic graph
This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.
Before trying the code in this section, make sure that you have created the "edges" table (see cr-edges.sql
) and installed all the code shown in the section Common code for traversing all kinds of graph.
First, define a suitable constraint on the "edges" table for representing a directed cyclic graph and populate the table with the data that represents the graph shown in the Directed acyclic graph section.
delete from edges;
alter table edges drop constraint if exists edges_chk cascade;
alter table edges add constraint edges_chk check(node_1 <> node_2);
insert into edges(node_1, node_2) values
('n1', 'n2'),
('n1', 'n3'),
('n2', 'n5'),
('n2', 'n6'),
('n3', 'n6'),
('n4', 'n3'),
('n4', 'n7'),
('n3', 'n7');
Now create a simpler implementation of "find_paths()" that omits the cycle prevention code. (It's derived trivially from the code shown at cr-find-paths-no-nocycle-check.sql
drop procedure if exists find_paths(text) cascade;
create procedure find_paths(start_node in text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- See "cr-find-paths-with-pruning.sql". This index demonstrates that
-- no more than one path has been found to any particular terminal node.
drop index if exists raw_paths_terminal_unq cascade;
delete from raw_paths;
recursive paths(path) as (
select array[start_node, node_2]
from edges
where node_1 = start_node
union all
select p.path||e.node_2
from edges e
inner join paths p on e.node_1 = terminal(p.path)
insert into raw_paths(path)
select path
from paths;
Find all the paths from "n1" and create the filtered subset of shortest paths to the distinct terminal nodes:
call find_paths(start_node => 'n1');
call restrict_to_shortest_paths('raw_paths', 'shortest_paths');
Look at the "raw_paths":
\t on
select t from list_paths('raw_paths');
\t off
This is the result:
path # cardinality path
------ ----------- ----
1 2 n1 > n2
2 2 n1 > n3
3 3 n1 > n2 > n5
4 3 n1 > n2 > n6
5 3 n1 > n3 > n6
6 3 n1 > n3 > n7
Look at the "filtered_paths":
\t on
select t from list_paths('shortest_paths');
\t off
This is the result:
path # cardinality path
------ ----------- ----
1 2 n1 > n2
2 2 n1 > n3
3 3 n1 > n2 > n5
4 3 n1 > n2 > n6
5 3 n1 > n3 > n7
Notice that only the first (in sorting order) of the two paths to the same node, "n1 > n2 > n6" and "n1 > n3 > n6", has been retained.
Finally, add the shortest paths starting at each of the remaining nodes into the "shortest_paths" table and list the final result.
do $body$
node text not null := '';
for node in (
select distinct node_1 from edges
where node_1 <> 'n1')
call find_paths(start_node => node);
call restrict_to_shortest_paths('raw_paths', 'shortest_paths', append=>true);
end loop;
\t on
select t from list_paths('shortest_paths');
\t off
This is the result:
path # cardinality path
------ ----------- ----
1 2 n1 > n2
2 2 n1 > n3
3 3 n1 > n2 > n5
4 3 n1 > n2 > n6
5 3 n1 > n3 > n7
6 2 n2 > n5
7 2 n2 > n6
8 2 n3 > n6
9 2 n3 > n7
10 2 n4 > n3
11 2 n4 > n7
12 3 n4 > n3 > n6