Name resolution within user-defined subprograms and anonymous blocks

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

The rules that this section explains apply to

  • language sql subprograms
  • language plpgsql subprograms
  • anonymous blocks (which can be written only in language plpgsql)

The principles that the section Name resolution within top-level SQL statements explains apply here too. But they're extended with further principles for these contexts.

  • An embedded SQL statement in a subprogram, both for language sql and for language plpgsql, or in an anonymous block allows an identifier to be used that does not resolve in the scope that the SQL statement defines. When an identifier escapes SQL scope, an attempt is made to resolve it in the scope of names that the code of the containing subprogram or anonymous block establishes.

  • A subprogram allows the search_path to be defined as one of its attributes. When this possibility is used, the reigning value of the search_path is saved on entry to the subprogram and is restored on exit. However, an anonymous block has no such feature.

Name resolution for unqualified identifiers in a user-defined subprogram is independent of its 'security' setting.

Name resolution for unqualified identifiers in a user-defined subprogram works the same for the language sql and language plpgsql variants and the same for the security invoker and security definer variants.

Name resolution in 'language sql' subprograms

A language sql subprogram is defined by a list of one or several SQL statements.

Name resolution for unqualified identifiers that denote schema-objects is done exactly as it is for such identifiers in top-level SQL statements. But the subprogram encapsulation provides an additional way to set the search_path. The section Alterable subprogram attributes explains that an optional alterable_fn_and_proc_attribute clause allows the search_path to be set declaratively for the subprogram so that the value that is in force just before the call is saved on entry and then, when control returns to the caller, the saved value is restored. This has the huge benefit over relying on the search_path value that's defined at session level that it cannot be changed except by re-creating the subprogram—and therefore cannot be changed by possibly nefarious client-side code.

Recall that the top-level prepare statement allows the use of a placeholder at a syntax spot where an expression is legal. Then, the execute statement lets you supply actual values for such placeholders so that they can be bound in before execution. The SQL statements that jointly define the body of a language sql user-defined subprogram allow the use of a user-defined identifier at a syntax spot where a statement that is the target of prepare allows a placeholder—in other words, an identifier that denotes a name that cannot be resolved in the scope that the SQL statement itself defines. Such an escaping name must be resolved by a name that one of the subprogram's formal arguments identifies—else the create statement fails.

Name resolution in 'language plpgsql' subprograms

A language plpgsql subprogram embeds SQL statements or refers to user-defined functions in an expression in its declaration section or in ordinary procedural code in its executable section and its exception section.

Connect as an ordinarily privileged user to a database that has a schema, s, on which the user has the create privilege and try this:

create table s.t(k int primary key, c1 int not null, c2 int not null);
insert into s.t(k, c1, c2) values
  (1, 17, 17),
  (2, 31, 19),
  (3, 42, 42);

create function s.f()
  returns text
  language plpgsql
  set search_path = pg_catalog, s, pg_temp
as $body$
  c3 constant int not null := 31;
  ks_1 int[] := (select array_agg(k) from t where c1 = c2);
  ks_2 int[] := (select array_agg(k) from t where c1 = c3);
  return 'ks_1: '||ks_1::text||' | ks_2: '||ks_2::text;

select s.f();

This is the result:

 ks_1: {1,3} | ks_2: {2}

Now try to evaluate the SQL subqueries at top-level:

select (select array_agg(k) from s.t where c1 = c2)::text as ks_1;


select (select array_agg(k) from s.t where c1 = c3)::text as ks_2;

The first finishes without error and produces this result:


But the second causes the 42703 error:

column "c3" does not exist

Of course, the identifier c3, at a syntax spot where a column identifier is expected, cannot be resolved within the scope of the SQL statement and the schema objects that it references. And top-level has nowhere else to look—so it gives up with the 42703 error. But when the same subquery is embedded in PL/pgSQL source text, and name resolution for c3 fails in SQL scope, c3 escapes to PL/pgSQL scope, and name resolution is attempted there—and succeeds by resolving to the variable with that name. The statement is than transformed behind the scenes to the functional equivalent of the prepared statement that's executed by binding in the value of c3. (Notice that this is not visible in the pg_prepared_statements catalog view.)

Not only can schema-identifiers be used at more syntax spots in a language plpgsql subprogram than in a language sql subprogram (for example to invoke a function on the right-hand side of a variable assignment) but also are there more opportunities for names that escape SQL scope to be resolved in the body of a language plpgsql subprogram than there are in a language sql one. They can be resolved both by names that the subprogram's list of formal arguments identifies and by the names of local variables that are defined within the subprogram's implementation.

Try this. It is to be hoped that nobody would write such code—because the proliferation of names that are spelled identically but that are used in different contexts is confusing for the human reader. Nevertheless, the meaning is well-defined and unambiguous:

create schema y;
create table y.x(x int);

create procedure y.x(x in int)
  set search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  y constant int not null := x + 1;
  insert into y.x(x) values (x), (y);

The name x denotes a table, a column in that table, a procedure, and a formal argument of that procedure. And the name y denotes a schema and a local variable that's declared in a procedure. There's no collision or ambiguity because when each is defined and referenced, the context determines the kind of phenomenon that it must be and therefore what space must be searched for collision (at definition time) or for resolution (at reference time).

In this declaration:

y constant int not null := x + 1;

y can be only a newly-defined local variable and x can be (in general) an already-defined local variable or (as it is here) a formal argument. And in this insert statement:

insert into y.x(x) values (x), (y);

x and y in the values clause (in syntax spots that could be placeholders in the target statement for prepare) can each be only a formal argument or a local variable.

Test it thus:

call y.x(42);
select * from y.x order by 1;

It runs without error and produces this result:


Name resolution in anonymous blocks

The body of an anonymous block (necessarily language plpgsql) is governed by the identical syntax rules that govern a language plpgsql procedure and has identical semantics. The only difference, with respect to name resolution, is that an anonymous block has no formal parameters and cannot set the search_path. This means that:

  • Only a local variable may be used in static SQL statements where a placeholder is legal when that statement is the target of prepare.
  • It's critical to use only fully qualified identifiers to ensure that the intention of your code cannot be subverted.

Demonstrating how a temporary table, created on-the-fly, can capture an application's intended functionality

This demonstration focuses on a "hard-shell" application design where all data manipulation is done with user-defined subprograms and where client-side code has no privileges on the application's tables and has only the execute privileges on the subprograms that manipulate the contents of these tables. The overall paradigm aims to ensure that only the intended operations are allowed on only the intended tables.

Obviously, if the subprograms use only unqualified identifiers and rely on the search_path that the session defines to ensure the intended name resolution, then the application is vulnerable because nothing can stop client-side code changing the search_path at any time. (A hacker who has discovered how to exploit a SQL injection risk might be able to do this—and to remain undetected.) Therefore, leaving a subprogram's search_path attribute unset is a notorious security anti-pattern. This demonstration shows that if a subprogram's search_path attribute is set, but is done so naïvely, then a risk of subversion remains.

See the section 'Writing security definer functions safely' in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Here is the section that this tip's title mentions. It explains the risk that the anti-pattern brings and recommends protecting against it by setting the intended search_path as an attribute of the subprogram.

This demonstration relies on two ordinarily privileged users, d0$u0 and d0$u1 that are able to connect to the database d0. Here, d0$u0 models the role that owns the tables and the security definer subprograms that access these. These schema objects live in the schema s, also owned by d0$u0. d0$u1 models the role as which the client-side application code connects and it has only the connect and (because of a serious mistake) it still has the temporary privilege, via public, on database d0. (When a database is created, the connect and temporary privileges on it are automatically granted to public.) By proper design, it does not have the create privilege on d0.

First, do this set-up:

\c d0 d0$u0

create schema s;
revoke usage on schema s from public;
grant  usage on schema s to   d0$u1;

create table s.salaries(ename text primary key, sal int not null);
insert into  s.salaries(ename, sal) values
  ('Jane', 6000),
  ('Mary', 6500),
  ('Fred', 5500),
  ('Bert', 5000);
revoke all on table s.salaries from public;

create function s.salaries_list(e out text, s out int)
  returns setof record
  set search_path = s
  security definer
  language sql
as $body$
  select ename, sal from salaries order by 1;

revoke all     on function s.salaries_list() from public;
grant  execute on function s.salaries_list() to   d0$u1;

Notice that the function's search_path attribute mistakenly specifies only s. The author forgot that pg_catalog and pg_temp are inevitably included in the search_path and that when they aren't explicitly mentioned, pg_temp is searched first. See the section No matter what value you set for 'search_path', 'pg_temp' and 'pg_catalog' are always searched.

Next test it just as the designed expected:

\c d0 d0$u1

select e, s::text from s.salaries_list() order by e;

This is the result:

  e   |  s   
 Bert | 5000
 Fred | 5500
 Jane | 6000
 Mary | 6500

So far, then, d0$d1 (the client) sees exactly the data that the table that it cannot query directly holds. Now exploit the mistake that the designers made:

create table pg_temp.stage as select e as ename, s as sal from s.salaries_list();
update pg_temp.stage set sal = sal * 1.15 where ename = 'Jane';
create table pg_temp.salaries as select ename, sal from pg_temp.stage;
drop table pg_temp.stage;
grant select on pg_temp.salaries to d0$u0;

select e, s::text from s.salaries_list();

This is the new result:

  e   |  s   
 Bert | 5000
 Fred | 5500
 Jane | 6900
 Mary | 6500

Jane is wrongly listed with the salary 6900 rather than 6000. The security hole opened by:

  • forgetting to put pg_temp explicitly at the right hand end of the search_path that the subprogram's attribute defines
  • and failing to revoke the temporary privilege on database d0 from public.

has allowed the nefarious client-side code to see results that don't reflect the content of the table, as was intended, but rather to see Jane's salary elevated by 15%,

Recommendation: always set the "search_path" in a subprogram attribute explicitly to start with "pg_catalog" and explicitly to end with pg_temp"

Use fully qualified names in the SQL that subprograms issue.

Yugabyte recommends that, for the typical case, you use fully qualified names in the SQL statements that subprograms issue and that, to reinforce your plan, you set the search_path to just pg_catalog, pg_temp for every subprogram. If you decide not to follow this recommendation, then your design documentation should explain the reasoning for this decision.

As with many recommendations, opinions might vary on this point. You might prefer to set the search_path attribute, for example, thus:

set search_path = pg_catalog, s1, s2,... sN, pg_temp

This will have the effect that your code will be less cluttered. In the special case that only a single schema, s, intervenes between pg_catalog and pg_temp, the meaning will be clear (as long as you follow a convention always to schema-qualify the identifiers for temporary objects) and you avoid choosing names for user-created objects that collide with those of objects in pg_catalog: unqualified identifiers denote objects in the schema s or the schema pg_catalog. However, if more than one schema is listed between pg_catalog and pg_temp, then the reader will be unable to discern the code's meaning without studying the environment in which it executes. Yugabyte therefore recommends that you favor self-evident meaning over clutter reduction. (You might relax this strict advice if you rely on extensions and if you follow a general convention always to install these in a dedicated extensions schema or to install each extension in a schema whose name is that of the extension. This would allow you, at least, to use unqualified identifiers like gen_random_uuid in, for example, table declarations.)

There's no risk that you might create objects in the pg_catalog schema. Connect as the postgres role and try this:

set search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp;
create table pg_catalog.t(n int);

It causes this error:

42501: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.t"

Notice that it is possible, by setting a special configuration parameter, to allow the postgres role to create objects in the pg_catalog schema. But even then, only the postgres role can create objects there. If a bad actor can manage to connect as the postgres role, then all bets are anyway already off.