Packed rows in DocDB

Understand how packed rows are implemented in DocDB

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Originally DocDB used to store individual column data of a row as multiple key-value pairs. Although this has advantages when single columns are looked up, it also meant multiple lookups for multiple columns and also led to increase in storage space. To overcome this, DocDB uses Packed rows, which means that an entire row is stored as a single key-value pair.

The packed row format for the YSQL API is GA as of v2.20.0, and for the YCQL API is TP .


A row corresponding to the user table is stored as multiple key-value pairs in DocDB. For example, a row with one primary key K and n non-key columns, that is, K (primary key) | C1 (column) | C2 | ……… | Cn, would be stored as n key-value pairs - <K, C1> <K, C2> .... <K, Cn>.

With packed row format, it would be stored as a single key-value pair: <K, packed {C1, C2...Cn}>.

While user-defined types (UDTs) can be used to achieve the packed row format at the application level, native support for packed row format has the following benefits:

  • Lower storage footprint.
  • Efficient INSERTs, especially when a table has large number of columns.
  • Faster multi-column reads, as the reads need to fetch fewer key value pairs.
  • UDTs require application rewrite, and therefore not necessarily an option for all use cases, like latency sensitive update workloads.

In v2.20.0 and later, packed row for YSQL is enabled by default for new universes; if you upgrade a universe to v2.20 from an earlier version, packed row for YSQL is not automatically enabled. You can configure packed row format using the Packed row flags.


Following are the design aspects of packed row format:

  • Inserts: Entire row is stored as a single key-value pair.

  • Updates: If some column(s) are updated, then each such column update is stored as a key-value pair in DocDB (same as without packed rows). However, if all non-key columns are updated, then the row is stored in the packed format as one single key-value pair. This scheme adopts both efficient updates and efficient storage.

  • Select: Scans need to construct the row from packed inserts as well as non-packed update(s), if any.

  • Point lookups: Point lookups will be just as fast as without packed row as fundamentally, we will still be seeking a single key-value pair from DocDB.

  • Compactions: Compactions produce a compact version of the row, if the row has unpacked fragments due to updates.

  • Backward compatibility: Read code can interpret non-packed format as well. Writes/updates can produce non-packed format as well. Once a row is packed, it cannot be unpacked.


Testing the packed row feature with different configurations showed significant performance gains:

  • Sequential scans for table with 1 million rows was 2x faster with packed rows.
  • Bulk ingestion of 1 million rows was 2x faster with packed rows.


The packed row feature for the YSQL API works across all features, including backup and restore, schema changes, and so on, subject to the following known limitations which are currently under development:

  • #20638 Colocated and Packed row - There is an issue with aggressive garbage collection of the schema versions that are stored in DocDB, in order to interpret Packed row data. This issue is limited to the colocated table setting, and manifests in certain flavors of compactions. Because this results in non-recoverable errors for colocated workloads, you can set the ysql_enable_packed_row_for_colocated_table flag to false, to avoid the issue in v2.20.1.

  • #21131 Packed row is enabled by default for YSQL in universes created in v2.20.0 and later. However, if you upgrade a universe to v2.20 from an earlier version, packed row for YSQL is not automatically enabled. This is due to a known limitation with xCluster universes, where the target universe might not be able to interpret the packed row unless it is upgraded first.

The packed row feature for the YCQL API is TP . There are no known limitations.