Benchmark YSQL performance using YCSB with standard JDBC binding

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

This document describes how to use the standard JDBC binding to run the YCSB benchmark.

For additional information about YCSB, refer to the following:

Running the benchmark

To run the benchmark, ensure that you meet the prerequisites and complete steps such as starting YugabyteDB and configuring its properties.


The binaries are compiled with Java 13 and it is recommended to run these binaries with that version.

Run the following commands to download the YCSB binaries:

$ cd $HOME
$ wget https://github.com/yugabyte/YCSB/releases/download/1.0/ycsb.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf ycsb.tar.gz
$ cd YCSB

Ensure that you have the YSQL shell ysqlsh and that its location is included in the PATH variable, as follows:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ysqlsh

You can find ysqlsh in your YugabyteDB installation's bin directory. For example:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/yugabyte/code/bin

Start YugabyteDB

Start your YugabyteDB cluster by following the procedure described in Manual deployment. Note the IP addresses of the nodes in the cluster, as these addresses are required when configuring the properties file.

Configure the properties file

Update the file db.properties in the YCSB directory with the following contents, replacing values for the IP addresses in the db.url field with the correct values for all the nodes that are part of the cluster:


The other configuration parameters are described in Core Properties.

Run the benchmark

Use the following script run_jdbc.sh to load and run all the workloads:

$ ./run_jdbc.sh --ip <ip>

The preceding command runs the workload on a table with a million rows. To run the benchmark on a table with a different row count, use the following command:

$ ./run_jdbc.sh --ip <ip> --recordcount <number of rows>

To obtain the maximum performance out of the system, you can tune the threadcount parameter in the script. As a reference, for a c5.4xlarge instance with 16 cores and 32GB RAM, you use a threadcount of 32 for the loading phase and 256 for the execution phase.

Verify results

The run_jdbc.sh script creates two result files per workload: one for the loading, and one for the execution phase with the details of throughput and latency.

For example, for a workload it creates, inspect the workloada-ysql-load.dat and workloada-ysql-transaction.dat files.

Run individual workloads (optional)

Optionally, you can run workloads individually using the following steps:

  1. Start the YSQL shell using the following command:

    $ ./bin/ysqlsh -h <ip>
  2. Create the ycsb database as follows:

    yugabyte=# CREATE DATABASE ycsb;
  3. Connect to the database** as follows:

    yugabyte=# \c ycsb
  4. Create the table as follows:

    ycsb=# CREATE TABLE usertable (
                YCSB_KEY TEXT,
                FIELD8 TEXT, FIELD9 TEXT,
                PRIMARY KEY (YCSB_KEY ASC))
                SPLIT AT VALUES (('user10'),('user14'),('user18'),
  5. Load the data before you start the jdbc workload:

    $ ./bin/ycsb load jdbc -s        \
          -P db.properties           \
          -P workloads/workloada     \
          -p recordcount=1000000     \
          -p operationcount=10000000 \
          -p threadcount=32
  6. Run the workload as follows:


    The recordcount parameter in the following ycsb commands should match the number of rows in the table.
    $ ./bin/ycsb run jdbc -s         \
          -P db.properties           \
          -P workloads/workloada     \
          -p recordcount=1000000     \
          -p operationcount=10000000 \
          -p threadcount=256
  7. Run other workloads (for example, workloadb) by changing the corresponding argument in the preceding command, as follows:

    $ ./bin/ycsb run jdbc -s         \
          -P db.properties           \
          -P workloads/workloadb     \
          -p recordcount=1000000     \
          -p operationcount=10000000 \
          -p threadcount=256

Expected results

When run on a 3-node cluster of c5.4xlarge AWS instances (16 cores, 32GB of RAM, and 2 EBS volumes) all belonging to the same availability zone with the client VM running in the same availability zone, expect the following results for 1 million rows:

Workload Throughput (ops/sec) Read Latency Write Latency
Workload A 37,443 1.5ms 12 ms update
Workload B 66,875 4ms 7.6ms update
Workload C 77,068 3.5ms Not applicable
Workload D 63,676 4ms 7ms insert
Workload E 16,642 15ms scan Not applicable
Workload F 29,500 2ms 15ms read-modify-write

For an additional example, refer to Example: YCSB workload with automatic tablet splitting example.