Get insights on transaction locks with pg_locks

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

YugabyteDB supports the PostgreSQL pg_locks system view, which provides information about the locks held and requested by the current active transactions in a database. The pg_locks view is tailored to YugabyteDB's lock handling mechanisms, providing a comprehensive overview of database lock states. YugabyteDB also provides two additional fields, waitend and ybdetails, which provide insights into lock information specific to YugabyteDB's distributed architecture.


The pg_locks view is used in diagnosing and resolving locking and contention issues in a YugabyteDB cluster. Use this view to diagnose and troubleshoot problem transactions, including the following:

  • Display long-held locks. Identify transactions that have been holding locks for an extended period, potentially indicating issues with lock contention.
  • Filter results. Narrow down the lock information to specific tables or transactions for targeted analysis.
  • Diagnose stuck sessions. Understand which transactions are blocking a session so you can troubleshoot application delays or deadlocks.
  • User intervention. Use the view to cancel transactions that are causing lock contention, and free up resources for other transactions.

The following table describes the view columns:

Column Type Description
locktype text The type of the lockable object. Valid types are relation, keyrange, key, and column.
database oid Object identifier (OID) of the database to where the lock target exists.
relation oid OID of the relation targeted by the lock.
pid pid Process identifier (PID) of the backend holding the lock.
mode text The lock modes held or desired. Valid modes are WEAK_READ and WEAK_WRITE.
granted boolean Indicates if the lock is held (true) or awaited (false).
fastpath boolean True for single row operations that operate on a single tablet, don't need a transaction, and do not take locks. (They take the fast path by writing directly to the database.)
waitstart timestampz Time at which a YB-TServer starts waiting for this lock.
waitend timestampz Time at which a lock gets acquired.
ybdetails JSONB Field with details specific to YugabyteDB locks, including node, transactionid, and blocked_by details.

PostgreSQL-specific fields, including page, tuple, virtualxid, transactionid, classid, objid, objsubid, and virtualtransaction, are not applicable in YugabyteDB and are always NULL.

YugabyteDB-specific changes

The pg_locks view includes the following YugabyteDB-specific fields.


The timestamp at which the lock was acquired by a transaction (PostgtreSQL does not currently record this timestamp).


JSONB type that encapsulates additional information about each lock, specific to YugabyteDB's distributed architecture, and includes the following attributes:

  • node: The YB-TServer UUID of the node hosting the PostgreSQL backend that is holding the lock. Identifies the specific node in the YugabyteDB cluster where the lock is being held, which allows you to troubleshoot and monitor lock distribution across nodes.

  • transactionid: The UUID of the YugabyteDB transaction ID owning this lock. This field is NULL for single shard or fastpath operations, offering visibility into the transactional context of the lock. Use this field to track and manage transactions across the distributed database.

  • subtransaction_id: The ID of the subtransaction in which the lock was acquired.

  • is_explicit: True when the lock was acquired explicitly, such as through FOR UPDATE, FOR NO KEY UPDATE, FOR SHARE, FOR KEY SHARE, and so on. This attribute helps distinguish between locks acquired automatically by the database system and those requested explicitly by you, aiding in lock analysis and optimization efforts.

  • tablet_id: The ID of the tablet containing this lock. In YugabyteDB, data is sharded into tablets, and this ID helps identify the specific shard where the lock exists, crucial for diagnosing sharding-related lock contention issues.

  • blocked_by: A list of transactions blocking the acquisition of this lock. This field is helpful in identifying deadlock scenarios, and determining which transaction is blocking other operations from moving forward.

  • keyrangedetails: Provides details about keys that the locks hold, including the following:

    • cols: A list of column values from the PRIMARY KEY of the table, offering insight into the exact row(s) or key range that is locked.
    • attnum: The PostgreSQL attribute number indicating if the lock is a column-level lock, linking the lock to the specific table column.
    • column_id: The column ID in DocDB if the lock is a column-level lock, further aligning lock information with YugabyteDB's internal document-oriented architecture.
    • multiple_rows_locked: Indicates when the lock is held on more than one entry in DocDB, helping to understand the scope of the lock in the database's document model.

Configurable parameters for lock management

YugabyteDB offers several YSQL configuration parameters to customize how locks are queried and displayed, so you can tailor the lock information as needed. yb_locks_min_txn_age and yb_locks_max_transactions control the filtering and limitation of transactions in lock queries.


The yb_locks_min_txn_age parameter specifies the minimum age of a transaction (in seconds) before its locks are included in the results returned from querying the pg_locks view. By setting this parameter, you can focus on older transactions that may be more relevant to performance tuning or deadlock resolution efforts. Transactions that are started more recently than the specified duration are not shown, helping to reduce clutter and focus on potentially problematic transactions.

Default: 1 second

Example: Enter the following command to change the minimum transaction age to 5 seconds:

SET session yb_locks_min_txn_age = 5000;


The yb_locks_max_transactions parameter sets the maximum number of transactions for which lock information is displayed when you query the pg_locks view. You can limit the output to the most relevant transactions, which is particularly beneficial in environments with high levels of concurrency and transactional activity. By controlling the volume of information returned, this parameter helps in managing the analysis of lock contention more effectively.

Default: 16

Example: Enter the following command to change the maximum number of transactions to display to 10:

SET session yb_locks_max_transactions = 10;


Before you start

The examples will run on any YugabyteDB universe.
To create a universe, see Set up YugabyteDB universe.

The following examples show how you can use the pg_locks view in YugabyteDB:

  • To display long-held locks, run the following command:

    SET session yb_locks_min_txn_age = 5000; SELECT * FROM pg_locks;
  • To filter results for a specific table, run the following command:

    SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE relation = 'user_app.products'::regclass;
  • To find locks by transaction ID, run the following command:

    SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE ybdetails->>'transactionid' = '{yb_txn_id}';
  • To diagnose blocked sessions, run the following command:

    SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE ybdetails->>'transaction_id' IN (SELECT yb_transaction_id FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid = <blocked_pid>);
  • To identify blocked sessions, run the following command:

    SELECT * from pg_locks WHERE granted = false;
  • To cancel a transaction, run the following command:

    SELECT yb_cancel_transaction('{yb_txn_id}');