To deploy nodes

Prepare your cloud for deploying YugabyteDB universe nodes

This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

For YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) to be able to deploy and manage YugabyteDB clusters, you need to provide YBA with privileges on your cloud infrastructure to create, delete, and modify VMs, mount and unmount disk volumes, and so on.

The more permissions that you can provide, the more YBA can automate.


As a prerequisite for creating pods and deploying database clusters, YBA requires a service account in the Kubernetes cluster and a corresponding kubeconfig file.

Do one of the following:

Create a service account

The secret of a service account can be used to generate a kubeconfig file. This account should not be deleted once it is in use by YBA.

Set the YBA_NAMESPACE environment variable to the namespace where your YBA is installed, as follows:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

Note that the YBA_NAMESPACE variable is used in the commands throughout this document.

Run the following kubectl command to apply the YAML file:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

kubectl apply -f -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE}

Expect the following output:

serviceaccount/yugabyte-platform-universe-management created

The next step is to grant access to this service account using ClusterRoles and Roles, as well as ClusterRoleBindings and RoleBindings, thus allowing it to manage the YugabyteDB universe's resources for you.

The namespace in the following commands needs to be replaced with the correct namespace of the previously created service account.

The tasks you can perform depend on your access level.

Global Admin can grant broad cluster level admin access by executing the following command:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

curl -s \
  | sed "s/namespace: <SA_NAMESPACE>/namespace: ${YBA_NAMESPACE}"/g \
  | kubectl apply -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE} -f -

Global Restricted can grant access to only the specific cluster roles to create and manage YugabyteDB universes across all the namespaces in a cluster using the following command:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

curl -s \
  | sed "s/namespace: <SA_NAMESPACE>/namespace: ${YBA_NAMESPACE}"/g \
  | kubectl apply -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE} -f -

This contains ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings for the required set of permissions.

Namespace Admin can grant namespace-level admin access by using the following command:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

curl -s \
  | sed "s/namespace: <SA_NAMESPACE>/namespace: ${YBA_NAMESPACE}"/g \
  | kubectl apply -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE} -f -

If you have multiple target namespaces, then you have to apply the YAML in all of them.

Namespace Restricted can grant access to only the specific roles required to create and manage YugabyteDB universes in a particular namespace. Contains Roles and RoleBindings for the required set of permissions.

For example, if your goal is to allow YBA to manage YugabyteDB universes in the namespaces yb-db-demo and yb-db-us-east4-a (the target namespaces), then you need to apply in both the target namespaces, as follows:

export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"

curl -s \
  | sed "s/namespace: <SA_NAMESPACE>/namespace: ${YBA_NAMESPACE}"/g \
  | kubectl apply -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE} -f -

Create a kubeconfig file

You can create a kubeconfig file for the previously created yugabyte-platform-universe-management service account as follows:

  1. Run the following wget command to get the Python script for generating the kubeconfig file:

  2. Run the following command to generate the kubeconfig file:

    export YBA_NAMESPACE="yb-platform"
    python -s yugabyte-platform-universe-management -n ${YBA_NAMESPACE}

    Expect the following output:

    Generated the kubeconfig file: /tmp/yugabyte-platform-universe-management.conf
  3. Use this generated kubeconfig file for your Kubernetes provider configuration.

Save for later To configure
kubeconfig file Kubernetes provider